Module 12: The Americas

Mosaic serpent mask of Quetzalcoatl/Tlaloc (detail), 15th-16th century C.E., Mexica/Mixtec, cedrela wood, turquoise, pine resin, gold, conch shell, beeswax, 18.2 x 16.5 x 12.5 cm

Mosaic serpent mask of Quetzalcoatl/Tlaloc, 15th-16th century C.E., Mexica/Mixtec, cedrela wood, turquoise, pine resin, gold, conch shell, beeswax, 18.2 x 16.5 x 12.5 cmSide view of mask (detail), Mosaic serpent mask of Quetzalcoatl/Tlaloc, 15th-16th century C.E., Mexica/Mixtec, cedrela wood, turquoise, pine resin, gold, conch shell, beeswax, 18.2 x 16.5 x 12.5 cm, Mexico © Trustees of the British Museum 

Pillsbury, Joanne, Timothy F. Potts, and Kim N. Richter. Golden Kingdoms : Luxury Arts in the Ancient Americas  Los Angeles, CA: The J. Paul Getty Museum, 2017. 

 This is probably the most excited I’ve been to write about a realm. Why may you ask yourself? My ancestors long before me came from around here! Over the past few months I’ve been trying to convince myself  to get a Quetzalcoatl (feathered serpent)  tattoo on my back (currently waiting to schedule the appointment). The Quetzalcoatl is the Nahuatl name for the feathered serpent deity of ancient Mesoamerican culture. The cycle of death and rebirth is central to life, so it is a much needed and cherished thing. As the creator, he was responsible for both life and death, so the people used human sacrifices to satisfy him and gain favor. Quetzalcoatl  became the God of the morning and evening star, and his temple was the centre of ceremonial life in Tula (the city associated with the Toltecs). The Aztecs worshipped deities that were central to older Mesoamerican cultures, such as the Olmecs. Tlaloc is the rain and storm God. Quetzalcoatl  is the symbol of death and resurrection. He was the son of the primordial androgynous God Ometeotl, in Aztec mythology he is the 9th of the 13 Lords of the Day and is often associated with the rain God Tlaloc.  I thought I’d give you a little background information considering I was one of the few people that never heard of Quetzalcoatl. I do recommend doing more research on a specific topic that you find interesting because there might be some connections you make along the way.  Above is a mask made out of cedar wood, formed by two intertwined and looped serpents. Their interwoven bodies create the twisted nose and google eyes. Two contrasting colors of turquoise mosaic: one in green and one in blue (twisting across the face and around the eyes, blending over the nose) associating with waters and vegetation. The eyebrows double as the two rattles from the serpent's tails. Turquoise mosaic feathers hang on both sides of the eye sockets. The teeth are made of conch shells. Some researchers say it was worn with a crown of beautiful long greenish blue iridescent feathers, probably those of the quetzal (a bird that lives in the tropical rain forests). The open cavities in the eyes and suspension holes indicate that this mask may have been worn. The priest who served Tlaloc was known as Quetzalcoatl Tlaloc Tlamacazqui, and may have worn a mask like this as part of his ritual attire.

"Serpent mask of Quetzalcoatl or Tlaloc," in Smarthistory, March 2, 2017, accessed November 10, 2021,


  1. Hi ! I really enjoyed your blog post that you decided to talk about for this week. It is super cool that your ancestors came from around there as that's super cool to have apart of your family trees history. I enjoyed reading about the Serpent mask and honestly if you never said that I might have not seen it that way, but looking into more detail throughout the mask you can see the image form.

  2. Hey,
    This was a very interesting topic that you decided to pick, and I am happy it was able to interest you so much and you were able to relate to it on a personal level. The art itself seems very abstract, and does seem like it would be dedicated to one specific deity. It would be interesting to see if any of the other tribes in the area would have had any reaction to this mask, or if it was only specific to these people.


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